Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Update on the Itch-Bay that hit me...


Today was a pretty awesome day. Ditched work... with my Boss. Had my Pinkberry fill... and saw Coraline finally. LOVED IT!!!

Everything was going smoothly... until i went home and saw my mail. There it was, sitting on the dining room table... a letter from HER insurance company.

What was inside this envelope, amazed me. Not a check as I was hoping... but this statement:

"Dear Miss Welch (yes, they spelled my last name wrong, prob for more insult)

We are sorry to inform you that we RESPECTIVELY decline the claim against you. We are able to prove 100% with our findings and investigation that you:

made an unsafe left turn." (I was found at fault.... how... i have no fecking clue!!)

Therefore, the bitch screwed me even more... oh and that's not the best part! The insured, wasn't her, or her father, or even had the same last name as her... meaning she was in fact NOT INSURED to drive the car that hit me.

Motherfecker!!!! I'm soooooooooo incredibly pissed right now. I'd do my usual and go cool off driving around... but hey.... I DON'T HAVE A CAR!!


Guess I'll have to put that call into Judge Judy now...


I'm getting a new car, and she's paying for it.

The end.

(oh nooo.... its only the beginning!)

1 comment:

  1. love the "whores" tag...also, she was found at fault by a police report, so her insurance (or whoever's insurance sent you the letter) whatever it wants, but it doesn't matter.
